Recommendation to Parents

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  • Recommendation to Parents

Recommendation to Parents

  • The parents or guardians will kindly read the rules thoroughly and sign them. Their attention is specially drawn to the Rules regarding discipline, reports, attendance and Parental co-operation, Examination and Payment of fees.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the School Authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline. They should see to it that their children prepare their lessons and take an active interest in the activities of the school.
  • Report Cards on a student's progress are issued by the School after every examination. Parents should see to it that these reports are brought to them and take steps in time against causes that impede progress of their children. The reports should be countersigned by the parents and returned to the school with in three days.
  • Parents are required to sign Progress Reports or any other information when so requested. Failure to do so will cause great mutual inconvenience.
  • Parents should arrange to take their children home within 15 minutes after the school is over. The School will not be responsible if the student are not fetched within 15 minutes.Late comers will not be admitted to the Class without the express permission of the principal.
  • Parents are requested to foster in their children habits of neatness and punctuality.
  • Private tuition are not encouraged. Parents/Guardians should not make private arrangements for tuition with the members of the Staff, without consulting the Principal.
  • All private tuition, if found extremely necessary, will be arranged by the principal herself. Defaulters are liable to punishment, Class teachers are not permitted to give private tuition to their own students.
  • Parents and Guardians are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address or phone numbers When communicating with the Principal, Parents are requested to mention the Name, Class and Section of their child.
  • Parents, Guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the student or teachers during class hours without the sanction of the School Authorities.

Get in touch

Alapur Road, 5th KM Milestone Badaun, (U.P.)
Pincode: 243601, India
+91 75350 05194/95
+91 75350 05196/97
+91 75350 05198/99
